Optimizing Your Solar O&M with Availability and Energy Performance Guarantees

Our recent webinar examined the benefits and challenges of the two main types of O&M guarantees for solar plant operators and asset owners.

Availability and performance guarantees are becoming increasingly popular options for solar plant owners seeking to reduce risk and ensure their financial returns, but what are they and how do they work? We’ve brought together experts from Algonquin Liberty Power, DNV, and Borrego who will share their perspectives and real-world experiences with availability and performance guarantees. They’ll also cover the benefits and challenges for IPPs, unregulated utility subsidiaries, and other solar asset owners and operators.

Moderated by Teresa Dillon, O&M technical sales account manager at Borrego, the webinar featured panelists Ian MacRobbie, VP operations at Algonquin Liberty Power and Kristine Sinclair, team lead for utility solar due diligence in DNV’s solar independent engineering (IE) group, and Borrego's own Bradley Hibberd, Director of O&M Engineering Services.

For more information, read our recent blog about O&M guarantees.